Friday, September 9, 2011

Little Dragon

July 24, 2011

A timid little dragon perched upon the rocks
Longing for a day his heart feels no locks.
Uncountable thoughts his wings fold
Lighter dragons dance over fields of gold
He knows their hearts must be content and soft;
Actions so sure and smooth they float aloft.

Sabishii used to frolic with flocks of others,
But after many flights and still no true brothers
He lost heart and the ability of flight.
There's no replacement for family at night,
But he did long to share life's hue
With another dragon of his color blue.

Thus it was unexpected when a dragon midnight blue
Alighted eyes beckoning, he saw that hue.
Trust burst in, opening Sabishii's heart
His wings unfolded, opening t' life's art.
Now Tarook soars thru sunsets brilliant pink
Beside a new brother as the sun winks.

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