Friday, November 13, 2009

Ladeeda :-)

NOVEMBER 6, 2009       11:00 PM

Do you ever just stand back and look at the stars? Stop and smell a bunch of flowers? Stop in your tracks just to stare at a tree on fire with Autumn? Breath in deeply the frosty scent of Autumn leaves? Gaze at the snow covered pines decorating a mountain side? Do you ever just stand in awe at the beauty of nature? Do you feel that burst of excitement in those few moments when you’re gliding atop the snow through a still frozen forest making waves in the snow? Okay, you’d have to be a boarder for that one, but I think you could see my point… All of those things give me a rush of joy, love, excitement, and awe of God. And then all is still and I move on feeling secure, warm and at peace. I am happy to know God cares so much about us.

I had to fill out a survey at work, well, questionnaire for an “About us” page, one of the questions asked if I could live anywhere I wanted to, where would it be. Now I’m not one to think of “my favorite movie”, “my favorite actor”, “my favorite subject”, etc. If I like something with a passion, then I just know that I like something. Otherwise, I don’t really think about what subject I like best or where I’d want to vacation…. It’s only when people ask me that I stop and think about the answer to those types of questions. But for some reason, I had a picture in my head right away of a place I’d want to live. I’d want to live on a vineyard in Italy in a quaint old house and have a view of some glorious mountains in the background. Now I’m not sure if that exists, but I’ve a perfect picture in my head :) Pretty amazing picture since I don’t think of those type things much….

Perhaps it was that my sis asked me the other day where I’d want to go on a honeymoon since we were discussing how it’s kinda half and half a waste of money as you’d want to just spend relaxing time with your spouse and not so much the place. Of course I had to think of it, so I thought, what type of setting would make me feel relaxed with no worries…. And I thought of vineyards and open courtyards with greenery everywhere and that peaceful quiet of people speaking in hushed tones…. A vineyard somehow is my picture of a peaceful place to live :) Lol.


Ashley said...

Wow - I would love to live whereever the picture in your mind is....! I have a pretty darn beautiful picture in my mind of what you described. :) Also, a honeymoon isn't a waste of time to go to someplace otherthan where you can relax. However, that is simply my opinion because on our honeymoon we had a fair share of relaxing here and there but also traveling around the country of Poland and finding all there was to discover there and tasting all the delicious foods of the land. But some people just rather do nothing but "relax" on thier honeymoons and thats all good and could possibly be a "waste" of money but its really the whole experience of going away from the rest of the world in a daily reutine sense and go to a place to enjoy eachothers company. If that makes sense... amoungst all my ramblings. Lol I sort of went on a tangine there... Sorry about that - just sharing my thoughts on the topic :)

Anonymous said...

I just saw a picture (on my Google gadget "places to see") of the perfect place for a honeymoon!!! :-)

Multipulciano, Italy

and if that is spelled wrong, then Google made me do it!!! :-P hehe
